Monday, November 10, 2008

I'll be home for the holidays! Mom posts specifically for me, so this post is just for her...I am so excited to see you in like 38 days, I think it is...I am making a paper chain link to count down the days, are pictures of it. (For those of you that do not know, I will be in Tokyo for 3 weeks for the holidays, and then I will be in Houston for 1 week. I love Boston University, giving me a month of vacation-a genius idea!!! )


Vanalee said...

I am so glad you are coming home to Tokyo for Christmas!!! I haven't made my paper chain yet but I will soon.

Kristen and Ryan said...

I am so loving the fact that you have a countdown chain! kate and I have one counting down the days until tucson. I'm kinda bummed you don't have one with "days until I see kristen" on the top! I'm excited to see you!
happy late birthday! 25 has been fun for the month I've experienced it!
glad you're posting pictures, I'm loving it!

Dan and Dee said...

Dan and I fly out on the 16th of December.
Too bad we won't see you at Narita airport!
We fly in on Vlad Air and then out on Continental!
Have a fun Christmas in Tokyo!!!

OH---and Happy belated B'Day!!


Still wishing my Mom was closer with all of the wedding preparation...