This post is overdue, like most of mine are, especially since it has been over a week since I left for New York City. So I had a good b-day and in order to extend the celebration a bit, as well as to celebrate my roommate, Melissa's b-day, we went with a few friends to NYC. It was an absolute blast! I have been twice before, but still absolutely love that city! Although, I will admit that I love living in Boston way more (it is more me) but it is nice being close to NYC...I suppose I would really like living there, but not for right now...my friend, Alison and I said maybe if we are still single and 35, we can head that way. We had invited around 12 friends, but people are lame and always bail...so it was 5 of us. Alison and I left with her friend, Megan (who had flown into Boston the night before from Las Vegas) on Friday morning. We took the subway, aka the T, into the city, and then got on our bus-a 4+ hour ride to NYC. We slept, I did some reading for a class, and we watched a funny, cheesy movie, Underdog, that was being shown. We spent Friday walking around Times Square, shopping along 5th Avenue (mostly looking), walking through Central Park, Alison and I did initiatories at the Manhattan Temple (my first time in that temple), we met up with Alison and Megan's friend, Caleb, and walked around Times Square some more, past Rockefeller Center (the Christmas tree was getting set up), past Radio City Music Hall, etc. We had some great dinner and some super yummy New York cheesecake! I met up with my roommate and went with her to get food at Carnegie Deli, I was still full. Then we headed to the Upper West End in a taxi to the apartment where we were crashing, a friend of a friend's place. Saturday morning I went for a run in Central Park-awesome! It was raining, but refreshing, and I love parks like that-very Hyde Park/London park-like. After Melissa and I grabbed some fresh fruit and yummy bread, we headed in to Times Square. We met up with Alison, and our other friend, Michael, and waited for half price Broadway tickets in the pouring rain! We were soaked! We explored Canal Street, and wandered through SoHo, and then came back for Mary Poppins, which I had already seen in London, but it was great, lots of fun, wonderful music...we all enjoyed it. We walked around some more, went up to the top of the Empire State Building when it was dark, had dinner at a fun diner, shopped some more, and then all headed our separate ways after 2 exhausting days. I managed to get Melissa and I turned around several times going the wrong way on our way back to our place...we were on the wrong side of the park, I usually have a better sense of direction, but it was dark, rainy, and I was tired. Sunday we got up, grabbed some yummy pastries for breakfast, and headed to church, we went to sacrament meeting in a family ward-it was the primary program. It was wonderful-I loved it! You really do miss those primary programs when you are in a single's ward for so long. Then we went to south ferry and went to Ellis Island, which I have never done, and loved. It was so interesting. We came back for dinner and headed to the bus for a very long ride home. I love NYC! There is so much to see and do! I was exhausted after 3 days straight of walking, but I have survived this past week more or less. I will post in a couple of days about this weekend, it will be fun, too!
1 comment:
great pictures!!!!
im gonna go to NYC in two weeks and i really enjoy reading your post!!!
tambien lei que estudias español, asi que aca te escribo algo que ojala puedas comprender!!! muchos besos y me encantó tu blog!!! realmente las fotos son asombrosas.... adoré la de los edificios en NYC!
mcuhas felicidades
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