...and that makes me so happy. Even though summer brings heat, here in Utah, it doesn't bring the humidity, and summer nights are cool. I love all the hiking and biking that I get to do up in the beautiful mountains, which are still really green and pretty from all the snow melt and all the rain we have had. I have still been teaching at some great schools and having lots of fun with elementary school kids; next week is their last week of school. In fact, on Friday, I subbed for a 2nd grade class that I have been with before, and I got to go on their field trip to Hogle Zoo with them. They are great kids, and were so excited about all the animals (even though to me, they are all a little depressing locked up in their cages and lame habitats). The kids thought it was hilarious when a bird pooped on my white capri pants halfway throught the morning, just my luck, but at least I could provide additional entertainment. I have been enjoying drive-in movies/outdoor movies with friends. On Memorial Day, even though it was raining all day, my roommate Shalene and I were stubborn and still went hiking like we had planned. It was a blast, even if we were soaked through, and we pretty much laughed at ourselves the whole time for being crazy and out in the rain, especially with all of our slipping and sliding in the mud. This morning, I headed to Provo where Alex and I biked up Provo Canyon, we went further then I have ever been, as far as you can go, right before you hit the Girl Scout Camp and you can't trespass. It was a gorgeous day, and I was doing great...Alex usually climbs the hills/mountains way better than I do, but I kept up and was having a great day. All in all, life is great. I only have 2 weeks until my vacations start...to Texas, then London, and then the Canary Islands! Then I am back in Utah for the month of July before heading to Boston. Life is great, have I said that?! Keep me posted on your adventures of summer! Love to all!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008
It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood...
...my Dad came in town on Thursday, and so when I have not been teaching, we have been visiting Alex and Stacey (Alex's fiancee) to spend time together, to chat, and of course, to eat lots of good food. My Dad and I also went to my Ward Temple Night. After a good run this morning with my Dad, we met Alex and Stacey in Park City for the day. We did the zipline at the Olympic Park, the bobsled was a little pricey...it was lots of fun, then we enjoyed a yummy picnic that I made, complete with cupcakes for Stacey's birthday. Then we did some window shopping and art gallery exploring along Main Street in Park City. I am home while my Dad gets in a nap, I could really use one, but I am not much of a napper. My body is screaming at me, I have not been getting enough sleep this whole week...Well, enjoy the pictures. I hope the weather is as gorgeous wherever you are, it is perfect and sunny here, but not too hot and humid like some blessed places, hehe. Love y'all!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
What you have all been waiting for...
...so many of you have been wondering where I have been and what my final decision is? I am sorry that life seems so crazy busy for me most of the time and I don't have enough hours in the day. I did go to New York two weekends ago. I had a wonderful time and stayed in Garden City, an adorable town on Long Island, with a friend of my mom's that she knew while living in London. I enjoyed the sites of the city, good company with the family I was staying with, and well, Columbia is an amazing school with a beautiful campus. I was honestly thinking while I was there...do I really belong here? This is Columbia, wow! My advisor was a great guy, and he is top in his field, as are all of the professors at the university. I just didn't feel as at ease and as at peace with myself the whole time. In Boston, I loved every aspoect of it and just felt great there. I could totally see myself there the whole time. With Columbia, I do not want to be in debt thousands of dollars, and I just don't see myself living in New York City as a 24-year old Caucasian girl who is single. So it is off to Boston I go! Having made my decision, everything is falling into place. It didn't seem like housing would work out quite right, but everything is falling into place perfectly for a place in Brookline, the neighborhood that I wanted to be in; it's closest to BU (Boston University). It looks like I will probably be on my way to Boston around the beginning of August. Yeah! I am so excited about everything...change is really hard for me, but I know it is really good for me, and I know that I will have some awesome experiences and opportunities there. I have just been playing catch-up, subbing for my same 3rd graders-they are fun kids, and enjoying Salt Lake. My mom was in town for 2 days last weekend, and I had tons of fun playing with her, and spending time with Alex and Stacey (my future sister-in-law), too. Well, hope this is what you wanted to know...love to all!
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Still wishing my Mom was closer with all of the wedding preparation...