...So I know that my time is overdue for a new post. Life is just swell! I have been really busy, but I like that about life usually. I love my classes, and I am doing pretty good keeping up with the work, the reading, etc. I am only behind in one class, but since he cancelled class this week for his son's wedding, I have time to catch up and get ahead. I like my Master's program, I like the style of learning a lot better. We read outside of class, and then we come to class and have lots of discussion and the classes are smaller. It's great. Then I have papers and presentations besides. It's not any of this: frantically take notes in class, memorize them, regurgitate them in order to ace the test, and then forget them...oh, the days of my undergrad degree. So school-I like. Work has been busy as we are hiring and training lots of new and returning tutors for the Literacy program that we implement in inner city public schools, but in a couple of weeks, it will all settle down and work will be easy and stress-free. Life is just good. No complaints. I like my ward and I am meeting lots of new people. Wednesday I went running with a new friend, Bryce, and his dog, Gilligan (a beautiful Golden retriever), I need to run with people faster than me, it makes for a lot better, faster runs! I went to the temple on Friday and took another new friend, her name is Cassie, she is doing a Masters at BU, too, and moved from AZ. I love the temple, and it will be great having a temple buddy...having a car let's me help a lot of people out. Saturday, after our training day for work, I took 3 other people with me up to our Young Single Adult Regional Campout in New Hampshire, it was beautiful. There were people coming from Maine, NH, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts. I had a great time. I love camping, and I love s'mores! and I love being outside. I will put a couple of pictures up...they are from Friday night, I went out to eat at this yummy Brazilian restaurant with my friend, Cassie (long, brown hair) and her friend, Marissa. I love y'all...it's the beginning of another week....get excited!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Oh, I almost forgot...
...so I don't get embarrassed very easily, but I did have quite the embarrassing moment my first week of class, and I have been meaning to blog about it. So Thursdays from 9-12 is my Foundations of Education class. Well, for the first class, I knew that I should leave in plenty of time to get there on public transportation. I took the bus everyday for nannying, and it was quite reliable. Well, I wait outside at 8:10, at least 2 buses should have gone by to get me to school in time. I wait, I wait...I debate walking to the train, which is a 10 minute walk, but then a fairly fast ride, since it doesn't go through traffic. Still waiting, my roommate comes out to catch the bus at 8:45, and she is like, "You are STILL here?" So finally the bus comes, I have no idea what the delay was, and at this point I have accepted the fact that I will be late...there is tons of traffic, so I am going to be later. I finally get to my class, it's 9:25, I am fairly calm, which is good for me, and walk in. I thought the class was going to be bigger, there are only 25 students...uh oh. But the professor isn't in there, phew, I decide maybe I can sneak in. So there is one seat left, the desks are set up in a semicircle around the room...I decide to go to this one in the back. I realize that I won't be able to squeeze through since everyone literally has their backs to the walls in their chairs, there isn't room. I debate for a total of 2 seconds, think nothing of it, take off my backpack and crawl under the table. Yes, I crawled under...looking back I realize maybe that wasn't very professional or grad student like...oh well. Did I mention the room was completely silent, so everyone was looking at me. So I was talking to the girl next to me to see what I had missed. Right then the professor walked in, and said, "Oh, you have just joined us." He needed me to leave to fill out some form in another room...so I have to get out?! My only choice...I crawl under the table to get out. Oh man. So after I have filled out the paper, I come back in, he had started a discussion, and I get to crawl back under the table. Did I mention that I was in black pants?! Yeah, I am a genius. Oh, well. The best part of this story is that I went to a grad student welcoming reception on Friday, the next day. I realize that a girl in my program was also in that class. We started talking about me being late, and crawling under tables. My advisor overheard and wanted to know what we were talking about. She found the story incredibly entertaining, and decided that only a Phys Ed/Coaching student could do that with composure...then she insists on going up to the professor, who she knows well, and she apologized to him for me and my first horrible experience with public transport...I think he forgave me, and I think I have redeemed myself with good comments in the last 2 classes...So I crawled under tables like a kid...but I am 24...oh well. It makes me laugh. I will keep you updated on other random adventures. Love to all!
School is cool
Ok, so it has been sometime since I have posted, but it's just cause life is busy, and it's a "busy" that I am not very used to...I mean, come on, I haven't been in school for 3 1/2 years! I am really liking it though. I work 15 hours a week for my assistantship; I am over 5 schools, and since it's the beginning of the school year, we are staying busy getting these literacy programs started smoothly. I hear that after September work gets pretty slow...which is ok, then I can just use the time to study! I started with 18 credits, decided I might just kill myself, so I am down to 14 credits. I am taking 3 courses: Foundations of Education (required for all students that are getting teaching licenses), Sports Theories (a coaching focused class, very interesting, really like my professor), and a class called Physical Education Curriculum and Special Methods (a physical education focused class, great class, great professor who is very experienced). I like grad school, I find all the smaller classes and discussion groups a much more practical way to learn. In another week for my Foundations of Education class, we will start fieldwork...so I will get to be working and observing in one of the really good schools in the city with an excellent physical education teacher. So far, classes, work, trainings for our tutors for work, and studying keep me very busy...my brain is not used to working so much all day long. I am not used to having to use all my free time to read and study, so it will take some time management...I just got used to my free time and doing what I wanted to in Salt Lake. But I really don't want to stop doing things that I enjoy, or things that I know I should keep doing (i.e. going to the temple, going to FHE, going to Institute, etc). I am really liking my ward a lot, it is literally oozing with talent and intelligence. I meet so many unique and captivating people all the time...like today, i met this violin maker who is finishing up his schooling, one of the three top schools for violin making, and he is going to basically inherit the business of some world renowned violin maker who will retire soon in Washington D.C. I am making friends with lots of new people in the ward, and I am making friends faster, I think, because I have a car...which is a kind of luxury for Boston. I would love visitors to Boston, as I always say...my adjustment is going quite well, and I really love this little neck of the woods...I am glad that one of my dreams did come true, and for whatever reasons, I think they are many, I get to be here in Boston, of all places.
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Still wishing my Mom was closer with all of the wedding preparation...